About Us
Bedfordshire Sands is a volunteer led Group that works to promote Sands’ vision in our area.
We provide direct peer support to bereaved parents, we work with local healthcare professionals to promote their access to Sands’ materials and training and we raise awareness about stillbirth and neo-natal death to help break the silence about this tragedy.
We are a focal point for fundraising, with many wonderful and dedicated fundraisers working so hard to support Sands locally and nationally. Help us by giving generously – your donation can make a positive difference and help us to reduce the numbers of babies dying in the UK today.
When bereaved parents contact us, we offer emotional support and practical help as well as inviting them to our monthly meetings.
It is not our policy to make the initial contact with bereaved parents, rather we prefer they contact us when they feel the need. We are therefore dependent on parents being referred to us by hospitals, health visitors, G.P.'s and friends and family.
Please feel free to click on the 'Contact Us' button on top of our home page which will put you in touch with us or email us at bedfordshire@sandsvolunteer.org.uk.